Abhay Chautala, leader of the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD), has launched a scathing attack on the BJP-JJP coalition government in Haryana, accusing it of corruption and deceit. Allegations include unfulfilled promises made by the BJP during its tenure, particularly the commitment to double farmers’ income, resulting in increased debt and heightened inflation.
Chautala has expressed grave concerns about the deteriorating law and order situation under the Khattar government. He contends that despite holding significant positions, the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister have failed to effectively discharge their duties. With assembly elections looming, Chautala believes that the people of the state are poised to reject the current government.
Referring to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) statistics, Chautala has exposed what he claims to be the government’s false claims of good governance. According to him, corruption cases have tripled, incidents of sexual assault are reported daily, and every fifth day witnesses the tragic death of a youth due to drug-related issues. The overall breakdown of law and order in Haryana is a focal point of criticism.
While not explicitly naming the JJP, Chautala directed criticism towards them, citing unfulfilled promises, such as a pension of 5100 rupees for the elderly and 75% reservation for youth in private jobs. He highlighted the irony of the people removing the BJP from power only for them to form a coalition, subjecting the entire state to the consequences.
Addressing the specific situation in Jind, Chautala painted a bleak picture, citing shortages of doctors in hospitals and a lack of qualified teachers in schools. Rather than providing essential facilities, he claims the state government’s initiatives are causing distress among the residents.
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