With impending elections on the horizon, political activity in Haryana is gaining momentum. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has initiated a ‘Parivartan yatra’ across the state’s four corners. AAP’s Rajya Sabha MP, Sushil Kumar Gupta, spearheaded this campaign, commencing it in Sonipat district. Gupta held a press conference at Sonipat’s PWD Rest House and formally launched the campaign from Geeta Bhavan Chowk.

During the press conference, Sushil Kumar Gupta vehemently criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He alleged that Haryana’s youth under the BJP-led government were drowning in the quagmire of substance abuse. Gupta heavily scrutinized the government’s lapses in security measures and pointed out several governance issues.

Addressing the suspension of MPs, Gupta took aim at the central government, highlighting the unprecedented suspension of 146 parliamentarians. He condemned the inaction and lack of response when questions were raised to the Central Home Minister regarding security lapses. Gupta expressed dismay over the BJP, stating that the party was tarnishing the nation’s Vice President and disregarding significant national issues, such as the farmers’ protest.

Further, Gupta criticized the lack of action against allegations on Brij Bhushan Sharan, asserting the BJP’s attempt to divide the nation on caste lines. He confidently proclaimed that the country and Haryana would witness a transformation through their journey. He hinted at a potential shift in favor of the AAP in Haryana, citing internal discord among BJP leaders. The AAP leader affirmed that the BJP’s leaders were at odds, disregarding the Deputy Chief Minister and Health Minister’s directives.