The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Monday made a big announcement of contesting on all the seats in the upcoming Chandigarh Municipal Corporation elections in December. The AAP will be contesting the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation elections for the first time and is hopeful of emerging as a major party here. The announcement was made by senior party leader and MLA from Delhi Jarnail Singh, senior Chandigarh leaders Prem Garg, Chander Mukhi Sharma and Pradeep Chhabra.
Addressing the media at the party headquarters here, Jarnail Singh said that during the tenure of the present BJP, corruption was rampant in every department in Chandigarh and the Aam Aadmi Party would work hard to eradicate it. He said the Aam Aadmi Party had been trying for a long time to set up its organisation in Chandigarh and now, the organisation was almost complete which would be fielded.
Jarnail Singh said despite the BJP government at the Centre and the BJP-affiliated Lok Sabha member in Chandigarh; the Union government had neglected Chandigarh and made this beautiful city, a city full of filth. He further said that the long-standing demands of the people of Chandigarh were being ignored due to which the people now wanted a change of government. He said the Aam Aadmi Party was the only option available to the people of Chandigarh and this time, they would bring honest people to power.
Speaking on the occasion, Prem Garg, Chander Mukhi Sharma and Pardeep Chhabra said that at one time, Chandigarh had a special place in North India, but for a long time now; the Congress and the BJP have crossed all the boundaries of corruption and as a result, problems ranging from cleanliness to taxes and shopkeepers have increased. They said the Congress had been occupying Chandigarh Municipal Corporation for a long time and Pawan Kumar Bansal was also winning in Lok Sabha, but he did not pay any attention to the problems of common people. The leaders said that the BJP leaders had also been avoiding meeting the people of Chandigarh and neglecting them. They said the people of Chandigarh would respond to the corruption of Congress and the BJP by voting in this time’s municipal elections.
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