CHANDIGARH: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) will contest the upcoming Municipal Corporation and Municipal Committee elections in Punjab on its election symbol ‘Broom’. The announcement was made jointly by party in-charge and MLA from Delhi Jarnail Singh and state president and MP Bhagwat Mann during a press conference convened at the party headquarters on Monday. Leader of Opposition (LoP) in Punjab Legislative Assembly Harpal Singh Cheema, deputy Leader of Opposition Sarabjit Kaur Manuke were also present on the occasion.

Jarnail Singh said that AAP would contest all the seats in the forthcoming local bodies’ elections with full vigour. “These elections will be fought on the party’s election symbol. It is a golden opportunity for the people this time to bring change in the cities by electing their councillors among the people, who would work for the people,” he added. He also asked the government officials working in the elections to perform their duties without any pressure. He said that there was no need to accept pressure from any government as the Congress government in the state would be changed after one year.

AAP Punjab president and MP Bhagwant Mann said that crores of rupees were being swindled in Municipal Corporations and Municipal Committees. “To prevent such corruption, it is imperative that an educated and competent person be elected as their representative,” he said. Talking about the farmers’ agitation, Mann said he hoped that the ‘stubborn stance’ of the Modi-led central government would come out soon. He said that today the farmers of the country were fighting for their survival on the Delhi borders in severe cold, but it was very unfortunate that their issues were not redressed by the Modi government.