Dr. Sushil Gupta, the state president of the Aam Aadmi Party, targeted the Khattar government on the issue of unemployment during a press conference at the party office on Saturday. Meanwhile, he also provided information about the employment policy made by the Aam Aadmi Party for the youth under the leadership of Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann. He said that the previous governments misled the people of Ambala Cantonment by installing false boards to loot with false praise, but as soon as our government came, we worked on the ground and demonstrated continuous development activities in Ambala Cantonment for the past nine years. Vij was addressing a program organized under the Bharat Sankalp Yatra developed in B.C. Bazaar and Lal Kurti of Ambala Cantonment as the chief guest. At both places, the local people welcomed Home and Health Minister Anil Vij by offering flower garlands.

Home and Health Minister Anil Vij said whether it is the construction of Ambala-Sahah Road or the new grain market. Previous governments have always misled the people of Ambala Cantonment by installing false hoardings and stones. But as soon as the BJP government came, they built a new grain market and declared Ambala-Sahah Road as a national highway. He said that taking the oath of “Our Resolve, Developed India,” he said that the vehicle guaranteed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is roaming everywhere, and people are benefiting from the Developed India Sankalp Yatra even while sitting at home. During these programs organized in different sectors, benefits are being provided to people under various schemes such as pensions, Ayushman card, gas cylinders under the Ujjwala scheme, loans, and many others.