The Aam Aadmi Party on Thursday declared former MLA Sushil Kumar Rinku as its candidate for the Jalandhar Lok Sabha by-election. The general secretary of the Aam Aadmi Party organisation, Dr. Sandeep Pathak, issued a letter in this regard on behalf of the party. Soon after Sushil Kumar Rinku was announced as AAP’s candidate, the Punjab Congress tweeted questioning AAP’s decision. Tweeted: The party that claims to be a party of volunteers did not even get a single eligible volunteer for the by-election. 92 ‘precious gems’, a chairman of boards, thousands of volunteers, and not even a single one is eligible for a party ticket.
AAP called Rinku the leader of clean conduct. On the other hand, in the press statement issued by AAP, it has been said that Rinku is a leader with a good image and clean conduct, and he has a very strong hold among the people in Jalandhar.
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