Many parts of India witnessed WhatsApp’s outage as the social messaging app was out of work globally. Naresh Balyan, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) lawmaker blamed BJP for Whatsapp’s global outage and alleged that “Whatsapp is down because BJP is losing Gujarat.”
The AAP leader attacked the saffron party on Twitter, accusing it of being involved in the Gujarat Assembly elections. He tweeted, “Whatsapp is down because BJP is losing Gujarat.”
Android and iOS users were able to send and receive messages on the well-known instant messaging programme, WhatsApp, which experienced a nearly two-hour outage on Tuesday. WhatsApp appeared to be largely restored in India.
Users of the voice and instant messaging service owned by Meta reported being unable to send both group and personal chats while the service was down. The outage also affected users of WhatsApp Web.
Meta had earlier acknowledged the disruption and said it was working to fix the outage.
“We’re aware that some people are currently having trouble sending messages and we’re working to restore WhatsApp for everyone as quickly as possible,” a Meta spokesperson said.
Trackers state that numerous other nations have also reported the WhatsApp problem.
Numerous people have reported using WhatsApp since 3:17 AM EDT (12:30 PM IST), according to DownDetector, a website that tracks outages and other issues.
Major cities including Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad as well as Nagpur and Lucknow are among the areas that are affected, according to DownDetector’s heat map.
Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp all stopped functioning for more than six hours on October 5, 2021. Facebook spent more than six hours to fix the problem, which it blamed on an incorrect configuration modification. Globally, an estimated 3.5 billion WhatsApp users were impacted by the outage.
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