Aam Aadmi Party MLA, Amit Rattan has been arrested in connection to a bribery case, Punjab Vigilance Bureau officials said on Thursday. As per the officials, Rattan is being questioned at Bathinda Civil Line Police Station and will soon be taken to Bathinda Civil Hospital for medical examination. The arrest news of MLA comes four days after he was called for questioning by the vigilance officials, sources said.
Notably, on February 17, a vigilance team arrested personal assistant of MLA Rattan, Rashim Garg, from Bathinda Circuit House in Punjab for allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 4 lakhs from a sarpanch. As per the statement given by officials, the husband of sarpanch claimed that the MLA’s PA demanded a bribe of Rs 5 lakh by taking the name of Amit Rattan, after which he reached the circuit house with the Vigilance team. Rattan’s PA was caught red-handed while accepting the bribe at the circuit house. Further investigation into the matter is underway.
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