The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has begun a hunger strike in front of the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation, demanding action against BJP councilors Anil Masiha and others. The arrested down 39 police stations for AAP leaders and volunteers. Today, the AAP protested against BJP outside the Sector 17 Municipal Corporation office, initiating a hunger strike. The Chairman of the Punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board and Co-in-charge of AAP Chandigarh, Dr. S.S.
Ahluwalia, along with senior leaders Pradeep Chhabra, Chandramukhi Sharma, Abha Bansal, Mina Sharma, and numerous volunteers participated in the demonstration. Dr. Ahluwalia stated that they were compelled to start a hunger strike in front of the Municipal Corporation office today because on January 30, during the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation elections, the BJP, through its elected and nominated councilors, invalidated 8 votes, compromising democracy. He mentioned that there was evidence of BJP forcibly removing cameras from the council chambers during the election day.
Since BJP had declared that they would make their Mayor regardless of the situation, they attempted to fulfill this by invalidating 8 votes through Anil Masiha. The hunger strike will continue until strong action is taken against Anil Masiha, BJP councilors, and nominated councilors. Dr. Ahluwalia emphasized that the Mayor, imposed on the Municipal Corporation by BJP inappropriately, is not recognized by the people of Chandigarh. He added that the BJP tried to forcibly remove people protesting in front of the Municipal Corporation and our leaders and volunteers were forcibly detained by the police in 39 stations. They were released later in the evening. He said that this hunger strike would continue consistently, with one councilor and four volunteers sitting on hunger strike every day. No matter how much pressure BJP exerts, they will continue to seek justice for the people of Chandigarh.