The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Chandigarh has gained strength with the addition of over 200 young members. Led by AAP leader Deepak Sidhu from Ward 12, these enthusiastic individuals were welcomed by Punjab Cabinet Minister Chetan Singh Jaudemajra and Punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board Chairman, Dr. SS Ahluwalia, who also serves as the co-in-charge for Chandigarh.

Among the participating youth were Prabhjot Singh Raja, Shubham, Hrithik, Ashutosh, Sunil, Gagandeep, Abhishek, Akash, Sachin, Karan, and others. Present at the event were members of the Punjab Cow Seva Commission—Amit Jain, Sohan Singh, Sanjeev Sahota—and AAP leader Gurmail Singh Sidhu.

Dr. SS Ahluwalia highlighted that a significant number of youth are aligning with AAP due to the honest leadership of Arvind Kejriwal. Since the formation of the AAP government in Punjab, over 40,000 youth have been provided government jobs—an unprecedented achievement in the state’s history.

Major reforms in education, spearheaded by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann’s government, are yielding meaningful results. The pro-people policies of the AAP government are resonating with the common people and inspiring youth to join the party.
Punjab Cabinet Minister Chetan Singh Jaudemajra commended the government’s efforts under Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, stating that it has undertaken groundbreaking initiatives for the welfare of the people, surpassing the accomplishments of past administrations in the last 70 years.

The government, dedicated to the well-being of its citizens, has been tirelessly working day and night. Since the inception of the AAP government in Punjab, Punjabis have witnessed substantial financial savings. The positive impact of AAP’s pro-people policies in Chandigarh is evident, leading to the substantial influx of youth into the party. Minister Jaudemajra predicted a significant victory for AAP in Chandigarh in 2024, citing the dissatisfaction of Chandigarh residents with the outdated policies and actions of traditional parties.