Aam Aadmi Party National Council member, Surendra Rathi, orchestrated a grand felicitation ceremony to honor the triumphant officials who secured various positions in the recent Punjab and Haryana Bar Association and District Panchkula Bar Association elections. The felicitation ceremony witnessed esteemed personalities, including Vice Principal Jasdev Brar, Secretary Shravan Singh Tiwana, Joint Secretary Praveen Dahiya, and Sunny Namdev, the newly elected President of District Bar Association Panchkula. The distinguished guests also included Jagpal Singh, Vice Principal Suraj Prakash, and Joint Secretary Nisha Ronit Singh, who were all felicitated by Aam Aadmi Party Haryana Legal Team President, Moksh Pasrija.
President of Aam Aadmi Party Legal Team Haryana, Moksh Pasrija, commended the robust efforts of the legal cell in Haryana, emphasizing its crucial role during elections. Pasrija highlighted the formation of a dedicated legal cell team at the district level in Haryana, actively engaging advocates and experts in collaboration with the party. Surendra Duhan, the head of the legal cell of Aam Aadmi Party, acknowledged the party’s hard work, resulting in a significant victory for Jagpal Singh in the District Bar Association elections.
National Council member Surendra Rathi expressed gratitude to the legal community, recognizing their vital contribution to society. Rathi noted the increasing participation of lawyers in the party, attributing the party’s success in the Bar Association elections to their dedicated involvement. He extended heartfelt congratulations to all the winning advocates.
The ceremony was attended by notable figures such as former head Rajesh Kadian, Kamlesh Banwala, Pramila Bhardwaj, Dinesh Jangra, Sajjal Paruthi, Rakesh Pandit, Pawan Kat, Bhal Singh Benawal, Ishaan Khangwal, Gaurav Arora, Umesh Mahor, Kushal Chaudhary, Tusar Gautam, Asim Jain, and Anurag Goyal.