Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has released the third list which contains 18 candidates for Punjab Assembly elections which are scheduled to be held in early next year. Jagdeep Goldie Kamboj will contest from the Jalalabad seat which is represented by SAD chief Sukhbir Singh Badal. The list includes Sajjan Singh Cheema for Sultanpur Lodhi seat, Principal Prem Kumar from Phillaur, Pandit and Brahm Shankar Zimpa from Hoshiarpur among others.
ISRO successfully docked its SpaDeX satellites, making India the fourth country to achieve in-space docking.…
YouTube and Google have announced a $15 million contribution to aid wildfire relief efforts in…
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Saif Ali Khan is hospitalized after being attacked at home during a burglary attempt; police…
Morocco's reported plan to cull stray dogs ahead of the FIFA 2030 World Cup has…
An engineer has created a ChatGPT-powered sentry rifle that uses voice commands to fire at…