Ahead of the upcoming Gujarat polls, the Aam Aadmi Party has launched a youth face in the state and appointed Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chadha as the co-incharge (Sah-Prabhari) for elections.
Chadha had previously played an important role in enabling AAP to register its victory in Punjab and Delhi. “I thank @ArvindKejriwal ji for entrusting me with this big responsibility. I will put in my blood, sweat, tears, and toil to meet the expectations of my party. Gujarat wants change, Gujarat wants good education-healthcare. Gujarat wants Kejriwal,” the Rajya Sabha MP tweeted after the party announced his appointment.
“Congratulations and best wishes to Rajya Sabha MP and youth leader Shri @raghav_chadha on his appointment as ‘AAP’ Gujarat co-in-charge!” AAP Gujarat tweeted in Gujarati.
AAP made its debut in Gujarat in the 2017 Assembly polls but could not open its account.
AAP’s hopes in Gujarat have been fuelled by its performance in the February 2021 Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) polls, in which the BJP won 93 seats, while the Aam Aadmi Party bagged 27 seats and the Congress drew a blank.
Meanwhile, in the 2017 Assembly elections, the Congress gave a scare to the ruling BJP by restricting its MLAs to 99 and winning 77 seats on its own. There are 182 assembly seats in Gujarat. Notably, the party has been constantly making efforts to replace the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in Gujarat.