MUMBAI: Bollywood megastar Aamir Khan has tested positive for Covid-19. The 56-year-old actor’s spokesperson confirmed the news and said that he is at home in self-quarantine, following all the protocols. The spokesperson of the actor confirmed, “Aamir Khan has tested positive for Covid-19. He is at home in self-quarantine, following all the protocols and he’s doing fine. All those who came in contact with him in the recent past should get themselves tested as a precautionary measure. Thank you for all your wishes and concern.”
This news comes as the number of coronavirus cases are on the rise in India, with Maharashtra leading the tally. Before testing positive for Covid-19, the actor was working on ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’. Earlier this month, actors including Ranbir Kapoor and Kartik Aaryan had also tested Covid-positive. Aamir recently quit social media. On the work front, he recently appeared in the song ‘Har Funn Maula’ from ‘Koi Jaane Na’, and will next be seen in the film ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’.