New Delhi : After the success of her first two Telugu projects, Malli Raava and Devdaas, actor Aakanksha Singh is excited about her third Telugu venture. Titled Meet Cute, the anthological project has been produced by Nani and will be directed by his sister, Deepthi Ganta. A source says, “It’s an anthological film that will air on an OTT platform. It will have around five short stories of approximately 20 minutes each. Aakanksha plays the lead in it. It’s a woman-oriented film and her part in it is very unconventional and different from her previous ventures.” Excited about the project, the Aakanksha said, “I’m excited about collaborating with Nani again. We’d earlier worked together in Devdaas and it was a great experience. My part in the film is unique and something I’ve never done before. It’s a woman-centric script and I’m glad that I’m the hero of the story. I hope the audience enjoys it as much as I’m enjoying working on it.
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