It wasn’t too long ago when megastar Amitabh Bachchan had praised the very talented Aahana Kumra for her pathbreaking performance in Voot’s crime thriller ‘Marzi’. Aahana played the role of Sameera Chauhan, a teacher who accuses a surgeon of rape post a dinner date. While she received immense critical acclaim for it the actress has now earned herself a nomination at the Asian Academy Creative Awards. Post winning in the Best Actress category in India, Aahana is now representing the country on a global level. She has been nominated in the ‘Best Actress In A Leading Role’ category for her performance in ‘Marzi’. The winners of the Asian Academy Creative Awards will be announced on 4 December, hence there’s a lot of excitement amongst her fans. Ecstatic about the big nomination, Aahana said, “It’s such an honour for me to able to represent my country on a global platform. ‘Marzi’ is such a special show and I will always be grateful for the amount of love people have given me for my performance. I’m excited about the big day and it’s going to be the best feeling in the world to get lauded for my work at the Asian Academy Creative Awards. It’s every actor’s dream and I am looking forward to it.”  Aahana was last seen in ‘Khuda Haafiz’ and Makarand Deshpande’s popular play ‘Sir Sir Sarla’.