Aaftab Amin Poonawalla, accused in the gruesome Shraddha Walkar murder case, on Tuesday left the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), Rohini as the Delhi Police began court-sanctioned polygraph tests to take the probe forward.
Aaftab is accused of strangling Shraddha, his live-in partner, to death and chopping her body into 35 pieces. He is also alleged to have preserved the chopped body parts in a refrigerator before dumping them in the forests of south Delhi’s Chhatarpur. The process for the polygraph test on Aaftab began at the Rohini Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), informed Delhi Police sources on Tuesday.
“Pre-med sessions and scientific sessions for Aftab’s polygraph test leading up to the polygraph test are underway,” said FSL officials on Tuesday.
Delhi Police claimed to have solved the six-month-old murder case after arresting Aaftab on the basis of a complaint filed by Shraddha’s father.
Aaftab and Shraddha met on a dating site and moved in together to a rented apartment in Chhatarpur as the relationship grew.
On receipt of the complaint from Shraddha’s father, the Delhi Police registered an FIR on 10 November.
Subsequent interrogation of the accused revealed that Aaftab killed Shraddha on May 18, after which he started researching ways to dispose of the body. He also borrowed ideas on disposal from popular crime shows on his streaming devices, Delhi Police revealed.
He also told police that he read up on human anatomy before chopping up his girlfriend’s body.
According to police, Aaftab mopped blood stains from the floor of the couple’s Chhatarpur apartment with chemicals and disposed of all stained clothes after searching the internet for ways to remove all traces of his crime.