Celebrity couple Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja’s Delhi residence was decorated using origami birds, sunflowers and beautiful balloons for their son Vayu’s birthday. The decor was done by Rani Pink. Now, they have shared pictures on their official Instagram handle. The first picture shows colorful origami birds. Another picture gives a close-up of the paper birds. Meanwhile, the dining table was decorated with sunflowers and a few blue flowers, while the napkin on the plate had a cute honeybee detail. Yellow-colored origami birds were also placed on the dining table. Other pictures show bunches of sunflowers, and lavender flowers arranged on a wooden table.

The caption read: “Celebrating little Vayu on his first birthday with 10,000 dancing origami birds.”

Have a look


Sharing pictures from Vayu’s birthday, the gorgeous wrote, “Our Vayu turned 1 yesterday. We did a lovely puja and lunch with family. Thank you so much to the universe for giving us our blessing. #everydayphenomenal #vayusparents. Special thanks to Rani Pink for making a beautiful themed puja and lunch… Love you. Also thank you to Kavita Singh Interiors for the beautiful mandir she’s given us. Best aunt in the world.”