TMC MP Mahua Moitra has come under fire from BJP MP Nishikant Dubey once more, the day before he is scheduled to testify before the Parliamentary Ethics Committee. In reaction to remarks made by Trinamool Congress MP, MP Nishikant Dubey of the Bharatiya Janata Party said on Wednesday that the problem is not Adani, Degree, or theft, but rather corruption by deceiving the nation.

“The question is about the dignity of Parliament, the security of India and the propriety, corruption and criminality of the alleged MP. The answer has to be given whether NIC mail is open in Dubai or not. Ask questions in exchange for money or not. Who bore the expenses of travelling abroad? Did you get permission from @loksabhaspeaker and @MEAIndia to go abroad or not? The question is not about Adani, degree or theft, but about your corruption by misleading the country,” Nishikant Dubey posted on X.

“Degree wali desh beche, chand paise ke le jamir beche (Those with degrees sell the country and sell their conscience for money),” he alleged. The charge by Nishikant Dubey follows Mahua Moitra’s dig at him after Electronics and Information Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw assured Dubey that his complaint on misuse of Parliament login credentials would be looked into.

In a post on X on Tuesday, Mahua said, “Who is lying? 2 days ago Fake Degree Wala said NIC already given details including “Dubai” logins to probe agency. Now Ashwini Vaishnaw says NIC will give info in future IF asked by LS or Ethics Comm. BJP is welcome to do a hit job on me but Adani+Godda perhaps not the best strategists!”

Earlier on Tuesday, Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw wrote a letter to BJP MP Nishikant Dubey and said that the issues raised by the Lok Sabha MP in the alleged ‘Cash for query’ scandal are of grave importance.

“Matters related to user access, website policy, etc. are within the purview of organisations that avail services from NIC. In the case of the Lok Sabha website, the organisation availing services from NIC is the Lok Sabha Secretariat, under the control of the Speaker, Lok Sabha. The issues raised in your letter are undoubtedly of grave importance. The subject matter of your letter is currently under investigation by the Committee on Ethics (Lok Sabha),” Vaishnaw’s letter shared by Nishikant Dubey on X read.

Dubey had requested in writing that the ministers look into the possibility that the TMC MP’s login credentials have been used outside of India in letters to Rajeev Chandrasekhar and Ashwani Vaishanaw. Earlier, the BJP MP had written to the speaker of the Lok Sabha, claiming Mahua Moitra was involved in the ‘Cash for Query’ controversy. He went on to say that he had evidence of the accusations, which Advocate Jai Anant Dehadrai had sent to him.

Dubey and Dehadrai have been invited to testify in person before the Parliament Ethics Committee on Thursday to address these accusations. Amid the uproar around the purported “Cash for Query” incident, Union Minister Anurag Thakur stated on Tuesday that corruption and the exchange of information related to Parliament are threats to national security.