The gorgeous Kriti Sanon won the Best Actress honor at the 69th National Film Awards. Now, she has given a glimpse of how she celebrated her big win surrounded by love. The actress shared some lovely pictures of the celebration that she had with her family and friends. In one picture, she can be seen being embraced by her parents. In another picture, Kriti’s darling sister Nupur Sanon gave her a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. The gorgeous actress also posed with Dinesh Vijan, who produced Mimi under Maddock Films. Actor Varun Sharma also joined the group. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “Surrounded with love and loved ones So much Gratitude in my heart.”
Meanwhile, she will be next seen in Ganapath: Part 1 with Tiger Shroff an untitled robotic love story with Shahid Kapoor and The Crew, amongst other projects.
Take a look at Kriti Sanon’s Instagram post
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