MUMBAI: As Ayushmann Khurrana turned 37 on Tuesday, Tahira Kashyap shared a picture of the time when they had just fallen in love. Tahira shared a throwback picture on Instagram in which the two are dressed in Indian attire. Ayushmann looks super happy in the picture as he smiles for the camera. Along with the photo, she penned a heartfelt message. Tahira wrote, “We were 19! I found you quite cool, with your frames, bike, matching sweaters and mufflers, but what got my heart was when you held the guitar and sang a song for me. You have always been passionate about art and what inspires me is after all these years your innocence and excitement towards work and life remains the same.” Expressing her happiness for being with her “biggest confidante”, she added, “You have been my biggest confidante and cheer leader. I might not be a big romantic as the goofiness (like you would say) gets the better of me, but I want to tell you that life is amazing with you and I continue learning a lot from you! Happy birthday umm. P.s – we were such lookers no.”


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