Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a roadshow in Ahmedabad on Friday, a day after the Bharatiya Janata Party convincingly won four state Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur. The roadshow—some dubbed it as a victory march—holds importance as Gujarat is scheduled to go for Assembly elections later this year. The dates of these polls have not been announced yet. The roadshow took place from the Ahmedabad airport to Kamalam, BJP’s office.

PM Modi, who is on a two-day visit to Gujarat, held a meeting of BJP leaders and party workers at the BJP headquarters and discussed how the party could “serve the people more efficiently”.

“Met fellow @BJP4Gujarat leaders and Karyakartas at the state BJP HQ. Discussed how our Party organisation can serve the people even more effectively and contribute towards national development,” PM Modi tweeted.

At 4 pm, the Prime Minister participated in Gujarat Panchayat Mahasammelan and said that the Panchayati Raj system was very important to fulfil the dream of Gram Swaraj.

“Gujarat is the land of Bapu and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Bapu always talked about rural development, self-reliant villages. Today, as we are marking ‘Amrit Mahotsav’, we must fulfil Bapu’s dream of ‘Grameen Vikas’.” “Panchayati Raj system is very important to fulfil the dream of Gram Swaraj. The work of giving direction to this system, all of you representatives, Panch-Sarpanch are doing the work of giving it momentum,” he added.

He further said that in Gujarat, women are representing more than men in the panchayat system. “More than 1.5 lakh elected public representatives should sit together and discuss the bright future of Gujarat, there can be no greater opportunity than this, there can be no greater power of democracy than this,” he said. PM Modi also congratulated the village representatives for their efforts in controlling the spread of COVID-19 with protocols.

On Saturday, the Prime Minister will dedicate the building of Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU) to the nation at 11 am. He will also deliver the first convocation address of the RRU as the chief guest.

At 6:30 pm, Prime Minister will declare open the 11th Khel Mahakumbh and deliver an address on the occasion.