In a momentous ceremony held today at the Cricket Stadium, Sector-16 Chandigarh, the ‘Divyang Indian Cricket League 2023’ was officially inaugurated by Banwarilal Purohit, Governor of Punjab and Administrator of UT Chandigarh. The event marked the commencement of the 9th edition of the league, organized by Padam Passi, President of Divyang Indian Cricket League.
Addressing the Chief Guest, Padam Passi highlighted the inclusivity of the league, with players hailing from 23 states across India and representing three foreign nations – Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. The tournament will feature six teams of Deaf and Mute cricketers, along with two teams of wheelchair cricketers, showcasing their skill and determination to break barriers and earn the recognition they rightfully deserve.
Governor Purohit extended a warm welcome to players from diverse backgrounds and expressed his admiration for their resilience. He encouraged each participant to give their best performance, emphasizing that they are formidable players deserving of equal acknowledgment and respect in the world of cricket.
The ceremony witnessed the presence of prominent figures in the cricketing community, including Sanjay Tandon, President of UT Cricket Association Chandigarh, Hari Kalikkat, Secretary Sports, and Sorabh Kumar Arora, Director of Sports at UT Chandigarh Administration.
The Divyang Indian Cricket League 2023 promises to be a testament to the spirit of inclusivity, showcasing the talent and prowess of differently-abled cricketers on a platform that recognizes their skills and contributions to the game. The tournament is set to unfold with high expectations and a commitment to promoting diversity and equality in the realm of sports.
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