At least 95 people were detained after the police raided a rave party near a creek in Maharashtra’s Thane city in the early hours of Sunday, an official said. Officials of the Crime Branch Unit V- Wagle Estate and Unit II Bhiwandi conducted the raid at an open space in a remote area near Vadavali Creek around 3 am, the official said.
At least 95 persons, among them five women, were found partying at the site and have been detained, deputy commissioner of police (crime) Shivraj Patil said.
The police have arrested Tejas Kubal (23) and Sujal Mahajan (19), who organised the party, he said The police recovered 70 gm of charas, 0.41 gm of LSD, 2.10 gm of Ecstasy pills, 200 gm of ganja and alcohol from the scene, and also seized 21 motorcycles, the official said, adding that the total value of the seizure was Rs 8 lakh.
An offence has been registered under relevant provisions of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act against the accused and only two persons have been arrested so far, he said.
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