MUMBAI: The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Wednesday informed that out of 23 thousand new COVID-19 cases reported in Mumbai during January and February, 90 percent cases were registered from housing societies and rest 10 percent from slums.“BMC has decided to strictly implement the measure against COVID-19 in housing societies of Mumbai after it has been observed that over 23 thousand new COVID cases were found in Mumbai during January and February, out of these 90 percent cases were from housing societies and rest 10 percent were from slums,” the BMC said in an official release. According to the statement, the BMC has decided to strictly implement the COVID guidelines and protocols for the residential housing societies.“All housing societies to keep a close watch on home isolation for COVID patients and their close contacts. If they are found roaming outside their houses, BMC must be informed immediately,” BMC said.“Those who do not have separate rooms and washrooms for COVID positive patients will not be allowed for home quarantine.“The building with more than five patients will be sealed for any movement and buildings having less than five patients will be sealed only on the floors which have positive COVID patients,” the statement added.As of March 9, 2,762 floors have been sealed with 4,183 positive patients.Maharashtra reported 9,927 new COVID-19 cases and 56 deaths in the last 24 hours, the union health ministry informed on Wednesday morning. With this, the cumulative count of the cases in the state reached 22,38,398. ANI
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