In Thane’s Goregaon village, Maharashtra, a 9-year-old boy completed his evening prayers at a local mosque, exited the premises, and was abducted by a nearby tailor, who later killed him, placed his body in a sack, and concealed it in his backyard. This disturbing incident unfolded on Sunday evening, with the main suspect, Salman Maulvi, seeking money to build a new house. Salman, a tailor residing in the same area, devised a plan to kidnap Ibad and demand a ransom of ₹23 lakh to finance his construction project.
Upon realizing Ibad’s absence, his worried family initiated a frantic search, and their fears were confirmed when Ibad’s father received a chilling ransom call. Villagers and police launched a joint search operation, while the kidnapper attempted to evade capture by changing SIM cards. Eventually, the police traced Salman’s location and discovered Ibad’s body concealed behind his house.
Thane Superintendent of Police Dr. DS Swami stated, “The accused is in custody, and investigations are ongoing to determine the motive behind the child’s murder.” Alongside Salman, his brother Safuan Maulvi was also arrested. Investigations are underway to uncover any additional accomplices, including potential involvement from family members, in this brutal crime, according to senior Badlapur police officer Govind Patil.
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