Be it a university or a college, the head of any educational institution plays a crucial role in its overall development, and letting their post lie vacant affects the administrative work along with the process of imparting education. As many as 172 government colleges in the state and among these, 60 percent continue to witness the shortage of principals which is a matter of serious concern. Amid this, what is the need of the hour is to deploy the principals in these colleges without any delay so that all kinds of administrative work may stay unaffected.
Further, the information sought by an RTI revealed that Out of 172, there are 157 sanctioned posts of the principals while 15 colleges do exist without the sanctioned posts of the same. Out of these 157 colleges with sanctioned posts, 89 colleges are being run without the principals. There are principals in 68 colleges which constitute merely 40 percent of the whole.
So what is required is to appoint principals in all colleges to raise the educational as well as administration level of the educational institutions.