The body of a six-year-old boy who had gone missing was retrieved from an open septic tank inside the Panchayat office of a village near Tamil Nadu’s Chengalpattu. The boy went missing when his father was fetching drinking water from an RO plant nearby. However, the kid’s father has been identified as Manikandan hails from Sasthirambakkam, and took his six-year-old son Pradeep to fetch drinking water from an RO plant near the Venkatapuram Panchayat office.
Meanwhile, Trump supporters are preparing for the inauguration, with hotels in DC reporting nearly 70%…
Police vehicles, sirens blaring, patrolled the areas between the starting points.
The Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials has sought a warrant to formally arrest Yoon.
Singapore President Tharman Shanmugaratnam praised India's growing influence in the global economy during his visit…
A pizza delivery man braved a snowstorm to complete an order, only to receive a…
A shooting and stabbing incident in Tel Aviv’s Levontin Street injured several people, Israeli police…