In Jammu, six family members were discovered deceased on Wednesday in strange circumstances at their homes. According to news agency ANI, two of the six bodies retrieved were located in one house and four more were discovered in another house in Tawi Vihar, a neighbourhood on the outskirts of Jammu city in the Sidhra region. The cause of death is still unknown.
Inquest proceedings have been started in accordance with Section 174 of the CrPC, and the bodies have been moved to the Government Medical College and Hospital for the post-mortem.
The deceased has been identified as Sakina Begum, the widow of the late Ghulam Hassan; her two children, Naseema Akhter and Rubina Bano; her son Zafar Salim; and two relatives, Noor Ul Habib and Sajad Ahmad.
Police have initiated an investigation and further details are awaited.
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