A man having a history of criminal activities in some regions of Karnataka, including Shivamogga and Kolar, has been detained by police in Bengaluru’s Rajajinagar. According to the reports, the 54-year-old man had perpetrated 164 robberies throughout the state, and his family was also complicit.

The story claims that the accused, Prakash, started his criminal career at age 10 and has spent more than 20 years in prison. There are numerous complaints pending against members of his family as well; according to the article, Prakash has seven sons who reside throughout the country and three wives who live in Ballari, Kolar, and Shivamogga, respectively.

Prakash’s brother helped him perpetrate the atrocities and recruited his sons in the process.

According to reports, their criminal empire included thefts in nearby states like Goa, Maharashtra, and Kerala. Bengaluru police detained Prakash’s sons, sons-in-law, and brother on Saturday.

Prakash allegedly organised groups and planned robberies while serving time in prison in the past.

After being freed from prison, he resumed his criminal activities and formed connections there.

According to reports, Prakash and his gang targeted opulent homes, jewellery shops, and financial institutions with sizable sums of cash or gold. Police are looking into the alleged offender to learn more.