While trying to avoid a pothole on a road in the Rajajinagar area of Bengaluru on Tuesday, a woman succumbed to her wounds after she met with an accident. The mother-daughter duo were on a two-wheeler and were hit by a speeding bus as they tried to avoid the pothole on Monday. The 50-year-old was severely injured. The accident took place near Sujata Theater on Magadi Road. The deceased woman has been identified as Umadevi, while her daughter is Sunitha.
“My mother’s death happened due to potholes on the roads and we are asking for justice and compensation from the government. We are from a very backward class and my mother was the only woman to take care of us,” said the deceased’s daughter. “We are requesting the BBMP to fix all the potholes in the city. We will file a complaint against the BBMP and the KSRTC bus driver,” said the deceased’s family members. After the tragic incident, the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) Chief Commissioner, Tushar Girinath, visited the accident spot and inspected the site along with officers.