Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal said here on Friday that his government is formulating plans to open Film City in the state for which land spanning across an area of 50 to 100 acres has been finalised. Besides this, a State-Level Award will be given to Haryanvi artistes every year to encourage them and all possible help will be rendered for promoting art. On this occasion, OSD of Publicity Cell, Gajender Phogat along with a delegation of Haryanvi folk artistes met the Chief Minister.
The Chief Minister discussed with them the steps that can be taken to improve the Haryanvi folk genre during the meeting. The Chief Minister said that State-Level registration of the artistes is to be done. Giving tips to the artistes the Chief Minister said that an artist should work on an ideology with regard to the message and teachings that the artist wants to share with the society.
Reminiscing on the role played by folk artistes in yesteryears, Manohar Lal said that earlier folk artistes were invited to give performances in order to raise funds to build schools, temples and Dharamshalas etc. Sharing such examples he said that school was built in Nindana village with the money collected from Sangi Shri Dhanpat Singh who belonged to the village. Likewise, Haryanvi folk artistes namely Shri Mange Ram, Shri Baje Bhagat and Pandit Lakhmi Chand are famous personalities in Haryanvi folk art, especially in the “Sang” genre. Among the folk artistes who met the Chief Minister today include Masum Sharma, Kavi Singh, Ramkesh Jeevanpuriya, Surendra Romeo, Raju Punjabi, Naveen, Bindu Danauda, Indu Phogat, Prahlad, Sheenam, Nidhi Sharma, Viru Gaur, Subhash Fauji, Vikas Singroha, Rishi Raj , Mukesh Jaji etc.
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