Five Kanwariya were electrocuted to death and five others were injured after their car collided with an 11kv power line near a village in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut district on Saturday evening, according to officials. According to officials, the incident took place in Bhawanpur’s Rali Chauhan village in Meerut district when the vehicle of Kanwariyas came in contact with a low-hanging high-tension power line. Following the incident, locals of the area reached the spot and rushed the Kanwariyas to a nearby hospital, where doctors declared five Kanwariyas dead. The condition of two of the five others who suffered the electric shock in the incident was said to be critical.
Following the incident, a group of locals gathered in the area and held a demonstration demanding action into the incident.
Meerut DM Deepak Meena said, “Five Kanwariya pilgrims were electrocuted to death and five others were admitted to a hospital after their DJ vehicle brushed against an 11KV power line.”
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