5 Dangerous Foods from China

When we are at a supermarket and it’s often the low prices that catch our attention and fill our carts. Even a conscious consumer may look at an ingredient list, but not think beyond that. Knowing the geographic origin of what we eat is increasingly important as our food supply chain becomes progressively globalized. Here […]


When we are at a supermarket and it’s often the low prices that catch our attention and fill our carts. Even a conscious consumer may look at an ingredient list, but not think beyond that. Knowing the geographic origin of what we eat is increasingly important as our food supply chain becomes progressively globalized. Here are 5 foods gnarly examples of “Made in China” foods to keep off your plate:

Plastic Rice
Yes, it can be a trouble wrapping your head around it the first time. Chinese authorities have been making seizures of fake rice that consists of a mixture potatoes, sweet potatoes, and an industrial resin. The giveaway is that it stays a bit hard when cooked and is difficult to digest.

In 2015 we imported 138 million pounds of garlic- a fair chunk of it labeled as “organic”. Chinese garlic is bleached with a chemical broth that stops sprouting and then is often disinfected with methyl bromide- a known toxin that causes respiratory and central nerve system damage.Be aware, foreign “organic” labels are meaningless.

Imported Chinese salt may contain industrial salt. Industrial salt increases cardiac risk and can be easily mixed with table salt. There is no iodine in industrial salt and it can cause hypothyroid swelling and mental impairment. Edible salt is 10 times more expensive that industrial salt, making counterfeiting extremely profitable.

Apple Juice
Do you buy cheap apple juice? Chances are it is from China and that you are drinking a cocktail full of arsenic, toxic pesticides, and chemical residues. Nearly 50% of the apple juice consumed in America is imported from China- 367 million gallons a year. You might be thinking… “I got the Mott’s, not the cheap generic applesauce and apple juice!” Mott’s sources from China and in addition to the above nasties, they also love to add corn syrup- the icing on the cake.

Imported Chinese mushrooms have been found to have illegal pesticide residue. While most mushrooms from China come in the canned form, fresh Chinese mushrooms are also finding their way to our markets- especially shiitakes.
