In Karnataka’s Haveri district on Thursday, a school bus and a speeding car collided, resulting in at least four people—three students and the driver—sustaining serious injuries. In the Savanur Taluk of the Haveri district, a collision near Bevinahalli Cross caused a KSRTC bus carrying schoolchildren to topple over. According to officials, the bus driver, Malappa Hosur, had a fractured spine. Three students—Vivya Sajjanagudda, Savitharavi Reddy, and Guruna Gowda—were found to have suffered severe injuries. According to officials, they attend Sajjalagudda’s Raichur District Lingasura Taluq Senior Primary School.
The students were on an excursion trip to Gotagodi Rock Garden.
Rushing to the scene after receiving word of the incident, a police team shifted the injured students to Savanur Taluk Hospital.
The critically injured bus driver and students were then shifted to Hubli Kims, officials added.
Further details are awaited.
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