An Uttar Pradesh roadways bus ran over as many as seven labourers in the Gautam Buddha Nagar district killing four of them and injuring the rest, police said on Thursday. “Three workers of Hero Motors Company were killed, and one other died during medical treatment after they were hit by a bus from the Noida Depot under Badalpur Police Station area. The bus has been seized and a search operation is underway to nab the accused bus driver,” said the police official.
India supports the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas, which outlines a six-week ceasefire and…
A German Shepherd was abandoned in a Delhi market, waiting eight hours for her owner.…
DiCaprio’s contribution aligns with a broader wave of celebrity donations addressing the crisis.
Justin Trudeau declares he will not contest upcoming elections, focusing on current responsibilities until leadership…
Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his Mumbai home but is stable after surgery. His…
Mumbai Police's Daya Nayak joins the probe into Saif Ali Khan's stabbing, bringing his expertise…