Due to the rebellion in the Jhotwara constituency, BJP candidate Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore’s campaign is making extra efforts. On Tuesday, 32 people including Kalwad Sarpanch Trivendra Singh Rajawat of Jhotwara assembly constituency and Sarpanch Mahendra Yadav of Manda Bhopawas, left the Congress party and joined BJP at the BJP media centre.
During this, the Election Management Committee Coordinator Narayan Panchariya and BJP’s national spokesperson and Jhotwara Assembly candidate Colonel Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore welcomed all the members by draping them with the party’s stole and offering sweets.
Addressing the membership acceptance program, Election Management Committee Coordinator Narayan Panchariya said that the youth have taken an oath to make the Jhotwara Assembly constituency Congress-free.
He welcomed and congratulated all those coming into the Bharatiya Janata Party and said that one block of the Jhotwara Assembly constituency is now Congress-free.
Meanwhile, Colonel Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore said that the younger generation has complete faith in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership.
He said, “In the upcoming elections on 25 November, Dussehra will be celebrated in the state, and there will be a blow to arrogance over the EVM, and after that, on December 3, Diwali will be celebrated again in the state because Ram Rajya will come to the state.”