In a significant announcement on Sunday, Haryana’s Deputy Chief Minister, Dushyant Chautala, revealed that, starting March 1, 2024, the sale of country liquor in plastic bottles would be prohibited in the state. With this move, Haryana becomes the first state in the country to implement such a ban.
Addressing reporters, Dushyant, who also oversees the excise and taxation department, highlighted that the state has witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in GST (Goods and Services Tax) collection over the last four years. For the current financial year, the state government has already achieved a 16% growth, resulting in a substantial tax collection of Rs 32,456 crores. Although the initial target for GST collection was set at Rs 36,000 crores, Dushyant expressed confidence in reaching and surpassing the target by the stipulated time.
Providing insights into excise duty tax, Dushyant stated that in the excise year 2019-2020, the state government collected Rs 6,361 crore. In the preceding year, 2023, up to July, the excise tax collection amounted to Rs 9,687 crore, and as of January 28, 2024, it had already reached Rs 9,232 crore. Despite the target for this excise year being set at Rs 10,500 crores, Dushyant is optimistic that by the completion of the excise year, the state government will surpass expectations, collecting an impressive Rs 11,500 crores.
Furthermore, Dushyant highlighted the substantial revenue generated from stamp duty, indicating that in the financial year 2019-20, Rs 6,200 crore was collected. Currently, the government has already accumulated about Rs. 10,000 crore as revenue, with the months of February and March still pending. Despite the government refraining from increasing the stamp duty rate, there has been a significant surge in revenue, showcasing the state’s fiscal resilience.