CHANDIGARH: Being tortured by two Jalandhar police officers, two brothers jumped into the Govindlal Pul River about two weeks ago. On Saturday, a dead body was recovered from the fields near the river. The family of the deceased identified the body. After this, on the basis of the statement, an FIR has been registered against the culprits. Talwandi Chowdharian police station in-charge Jaspal Singh while confirming, said that on the complaint of the family, a case has been registered against the then in-charge of Police Station Division No. 1 Navdeep Singh, lady constable Jagjit Kaur and Munshi Balwinder Singh. A case has been registered against all three under Section 306 for abetment of suicide and Section 506 and Police Rule 34 for threatening in the police station. The family of the deceased said that all three had beaten Manavjeet in the police station and even removed his turban.
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