In the Badaun district of Uttar Pradesh, three children were killed on Monday when the school van they were riding in collided with a bus. According to authorities, the incident that resulted in 16 students being injured also claimed the life of the van’s driver. “The road accident took place when both the bus and van carrying school students collided on Mayun Nabiganj Road in the Usawan police station area of Badaun district,” stated Badaun District Magistrate Manoj Kumar.
“The school driver and a student died on the spot, while two other school students died during treatment. Both these school vehicles were carrying children from rural areas to SRPS English Medium School in the town of Mayun,” the Badaun District Magistrate said.
Shortly after receiving information about the incident, a team of Uttar Pradesh police reached the scene and started an investigation.
Further details are awaited.
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