Pratapgarh : Three people were arrested here on Sunday for allegedly gang-raping a 17-year-old girl, police said. Additional Superintendent of Police (West) Rohit Mishra said the incident took place on September 26 when the minor girl, a Class 10 student, was on her way to school. He said a youngster on a motorcycle allegedly approached the girl and told her that her mother had been bitten by a venomous creature and admitted to a hospital in Kunda. The man then offered to give the minor a ride to the hospital on his motorcycle and after she agreed, he took her to a forest area where two of his friends joined him and they raped her, Mishra said. On the basis of a complaint lodged by the girl’s mother, a case under section 376D (gang rape) of IPC and other sections was registered against Monu and Ravi Kumar (both of Prayagraj) and Sunil (of Hathigavan police station area) on September 30, he said. The official added that the girl was acquainted with the accused.
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