In response to the ongoing truckers’ agitation causing fuel shortages, the Maharashtra government has decided to deploy police escorts for all petrol and diesel tankers, as well as provide security at fuel pumps across the state. The decision, reached during a meeting with Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, aims to ensure the smooth movement of tankers and maintain order at petrol pumps. The move comes after 90% of petrol stations in the state reported running out of fuel, triggering panic among vehicle owners. The police escorts are expected to alleviate the crisis and normalize the situation by evening, according to officials.

The Federation of All Maharashtra Petrol Dealers Association (FAMPEDA) reported challenges as over 40% o f petrol and diesel depots from various oil marketing companies remained closed. The shutdown of key depots, coupled with the ongoing protests by fuel tanker drivers against the new Motor Vehicles Act, has led to disruptions in fuel supplies across multiple locations. Handwritten notices declaring ‘No petrol-diesel’ at several Mumbai pumps angered drivers, resulting in heated exchanges at various locations in the state.

The truckers’ impromptu strike has not only affected fuel supplies but also disrupted essential services like milk delivery, causing inconvenience to residents. The government has urged protesting truckers to exempt trucks carrying essential goods and services from their agitation. The situation is evolving, with efforts underway to resolve the issues promptly.