Himachal Pradesh recorded 28 fresh Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, the Department of Health and Family Welfare announced on Wednesday. The state has 16 Covid testing facilities in operation, and a total of 126 active cases of Covid-19. Two Covid patients recovered from the disease in the last 24 hours, and no patients died. The death toll remained at 4,193.
Earlier on Saturday, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan wrote a letter to the states and union territories, flagging the gradual rise in Covid-19 test positivity rates in some states as a concerning issue that needs to be promptly addressed. “Despite the low number of new cases, equally low number of hospitalizations, and significant advances made in terms of Covid-19 vaccination coverage, there is still a need to remain vigilant and focus on the five-fold strategy of test-track-treat-vaccination and adherence to Covid appropriate behaviour,” Bhushan said in his letter.