BSF Inspector General (IG) Rajesh Mishra, on Sunday, while paying tribute to the jawans killed in action, said that on November 13 Pakistan used modern weaponry and resorted to unprovoked heavy shelling, resulting in the destruction of property and the killing of civilians. He said that, at present, all the launch pads across the border are active and infiltration bids have increased in the past few days.

“250 to 300 militants were ready to infiltrate and heavy artillery fire is a cover to push them in. We are ready to stop any such bid,” Mishra told the media on Sunday.

Meanwhile, the Army paid a rich tribute to its jawans who were killed in action during the border shelling incident across Jammu and Kashmir. Tributes were paid to Havildar Hardhan Chandra Roy, Naik Satai Bhushan Rameshrao, Gunner Subodh Ghosh, and Sepoy Jondhale Rushikesh Ramchandra, who made the supreme sacrifice on 13 November in North Kashmir.

The defence spokesman said, “In a solemn ceremony at Badamibagh Cantonment, Lt Gen BS Raju, Chinar Corps Commander and all ranks paid homage to the gallant soldiers on behalf of the proud and grateful nation.”

He informed that Havildar Roy and Gunner Ghosh of the Regiment of Artillery were deployed in the Uri sector, while Naik Rameshrao and Sepoy Ramchandra of the Maratha Light Infantry were deployed in the Gurez Sector.

The spokesman also said, “The mortal remains of the bravehearts were taken for last rites to their native places where they would be laid to rest with full military honours. In this hour of grief, the Army stands in solidarity with these bereaved families and remains committed to their dignity and well-being.”