Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, stated on Friday on ‘One Nation, One Election,’ that in a democratic setting with stable government, rapid governance is required for progress, and ‘One Nation, One Election’ is a laudable endeavour in this regard.

Speaking to media CM Yogi earlier stated that, “For a rich democracy, political stability is really important and in a democratic set-up, with the stability of government, speedy governance is needed for development, with this point of view ‘one nation, one election’ is a commendable attempt.”

Expressing his views on the policy, CM said, “We are happy that the committee for ‘One Nation, One Election’ is formed under the chairmanship of our former president (Ram Nath Kovind).

“For this innovative initiative, I whole heartedly want to thank PM Modi on behalf of citizens of Uttar Pradesh,” CM Yogi further added.

Highlighting the importance of the proposal, Yogi Adityanath further continued, “One Nation, One Election’ is the need of the hour and it is important as elections which were being held time and again act as an obstacle in the path of development because election procedures take at least a month and a half’s time which obstructs the development process.

“So it is important that Loksabha elections, Assembly elections and other kinds of elections be held at the same time.”

“This is a great initiative not only for development but for the prosperity of democracy and stability of democracy and I welcome this initiative,” said the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.