In Jind’s Hooda Shopping Complex, a shocking incident unfolded when approximately 20 young men entered the market carrying rods, belts, and sticks. Immediately, they targeted a lone young man, pursuing him relentlessly. Despite his attempts to escape, the assailants caught up with him, mercilessly striking him on the head with belts.
This violent episode occurred in Jind around 10:00 AM, leaving a young man severely injured. The assailants, numbering more than 20, subjected him to a brutal assault using iron rods, sticks, and even bricks before hastily escaping the scene. The victim, in excruciating pain, collapsed to the ground, prompting nearby residents to call emergency services (dial 112) for assistance and an ambulance.
Unfortunately, the ambulance couldn’t be reached through the toll-free number, leading two Good Samaritans to transport the injured person on a bike to Jind Civil Hospital, where he was promptly admitted.
The assailants, covering their mouths with cloth, displayed a menacing array of weapons, including rods, belts, sticks, and some even carrying bricks and stones. Upon entering the market, they singled out the young man once again. Despite his attempts to evade them, the attackers caught up and delivered another round of blows, this time using belts to strike him directly on the head. As the victim collapsed, another assailant proceeded to assault him with sticks while he lay helpless on the ground.
Prompted by the commotion, bystanders rushed to the young man’s aid, causing the attackers to flee the scene. The injured individual now resides in Jind Civil Hospital, receiving the necessary medical attention and treatment.