In the past two days, two Maratha quota activists, including a minor, have tragically taken their own lives in Maharashtra’s Nanded district. Both individuals left suicide notes expressing their desire for reservations for the Maratha community. The deceased were identified as 24-year-old Shubham Pawar, who ended his life in Vadgaon village on Saturday night, and a 17-year-old Class 10 student who took his own life in Naigaon the following day. This marks the third incident of quota activists ending their lives in the state in the last four days.

On October 19, Maratha quota activist Sunil Kawale was discovered dead on a flyover in Mumbai’s Bandra area. He had also left a suicide note advocating for community quotas.
Chief Minister Eknath Shinde assured the public of his government’s commitment to Maratha quotas and implored the youth not to resort to drastic measures like suicide. He requested that they grant the government time to implement reservations that align with legal requirements and long-term sustainability. Manoj Jarange-Patil, the Jalna-based activist who became a prominent figure in the agitation after a hunger strike last month, echoed the sentiment, urging community members not to resort to suicide. He emphasized the ongoing fight for reservations and the need for patience.

Jarange-Patil had previously held the government responsible for such tragedies, calling for prompt action to announce reservations. Disturbingly, over 50 Maratha quota activists have reportedly taken their lives in recent years.