SRINAGAR: Two jawans lost their lives in a terrorist attack upon a CRPF vehicle at Lawaypora on National Highway Srinagar.“Today at about 1545hrs, terrorists attacked upon a CRPF vehicle at Lawaypora on National Highway Srinagar. Senior police and CAPF officers immediately reached at the terror crime spot to evacuate the injured and to ascertain the facts and circumstances leading to said terror attack,” read a press statement from Jammu and Kashmir police. Preliminary investigation revealed that terrorists had fired indiscriminately upon a CRPF vehicle of 73Bn at Lawaypora on National Highway in which four CRPF personnel received bullet injuries. All the injured personnel were immediately evacuated to the hospital for the treatment of their injuries. However, two of the injured namely SI Shri Manga Ram Dev Barman and Ct Ashok Kumar succumbed to their injuries and attained martyrdom, the statement read.IGP Kashmir and all ranks of Kashmir Zone Police pay rich tributes to martyrs SI/GD Manga Ram Devbarman and CT/Driver Ashok Kumar of 73Bn CRPF, who made supreme sacrifice in the line of duty. We stand by their families at this critical juncture, it read.According to the police, Preliminary investigations indicate that this terror attack was planned & carried out by the terrorists affiliated with proscribed terror outfit LeT.Police has registered a case in this regard under relevant sections of law. The investigation is vigorously going on and officers continue to work to establish the full circumstances of this terror crime besides identifying the terrorists involved in the crime. The area has been cordoned and search in the area is going on to nab the terrorists. ANI


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