In Mithu Basti, Adarsh Nagar, Jalandhar, an 18-year-old girl named Ragni, residing a short distance from the Patwarkhana area, has reportedly committed self-immolation, creating an atmosphere of shock and distress in the community. During discussions, the parents of the girl revealed that she was a 10th-grade student and used to work in someone’s house after school hours to support the family financially. Following her school hours and work commitments, she dedicated time to her studies upon returning home. Her family emphasized that there were no reported conflicts with anyone, and they were a humble family that relied on manual labor for their livelihood. The tragic incident has left the community in deep sorrow, and locals expressed their concern over the circumstances leading to such a drastic step. While the Jalandhar police are currently conducting an investigation, a police spokesperson stated that the inquiry is ongoing, and they cannot provide detailed information at this point.
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