On Friday, it was 17 years since the release of the drama film “Guru.” Actor Abhishek Bachchan shared a special video and went on a trip down memory lane. The movie’s scenes were shown in the video. He posted a video and captioned it “#17YearsOfGuru.” Following the video’s upload, both industry insiders and fans left comments. “The best ever… immaculate and unbeatable,” Amitabh Bachchan wrote. “Excellent movie, can watch it over and over again,” a user commented. You two, Ash and you, were amazing.” A different user said, “One of my favorite movies.” Another said, “Love love and only love Gurubhai.”
Helmed by the acclaimed director Mani Ratnam. Abhishek delivered one of his career’s best performances and the film emerged to be a blockbuster hit. Released in 2007, the film also starred Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Mithun Chakraborty, R Madhavan and Vidya Balan in pivotal roles.
Abhishek’s performance as Gurukant Desai won him appreciation. Later duo worked with Mani Ratnam in ‘Raavan’ (2010).
Talking about Abhishek’s work front, he was recently seen in the sports drama film ‘Ghoomer’ alongside Saiyami Kher and Angad Bedi.
Helmed by R Balki, the film received a decent response from the audience.
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